Six months prior to the light bulb going off in my brain if anyone had said to me if only I would just stop eating dairy and gluten my world would change - my response would have been "There is no way in hell." HA! Who knew?
Now, over a year after giving up those foods and many other foods, I am happy to report that not only am I still free of those things. My world DID change and I can't ever imagine having those foods as a regular part of my diet ever again! (Said the girl born of a former farmer growing up in rural Upstate NY???!!! *gasp*) If I can do it, ANYONE can do it!
I tread carefully knowing that I grew up in a beautiful small town dependent on the wonderful, hard working farmers and their families. My Dad attended Cornell University studying Agricultural Engineering, spent his youth farming, and much of his career selling farm equipment and making extra money running combines or bean pickers for local farmers. Before he was out of high school, he even owned his own cash crop farm and purchased his first combine at 16 years old.
S I X T E E N!!!
AND he played sports - basketball, baseball and soccer. Dad even set a few high school soccer records and was nominated three times as an All American in college soccer. Come to think of it, my kids are really lazy in comparison - I may need to revisit this. They will be thrilled.
Anyway, many of my childhood friends were raised in farm families, or some part of the family income was dependent on the local farms. I spent many hours growing up in barns, in the crop fields, and even just talking about the topic! However, farming has completely changed since I was young. I can remember going into milk parlors, hooking up the milk machines praying I didn't get pooped on -or even worse. Slip and fall. Gross. And this was not for income mind you, just for fun. Yeah, I was a semi girlie-girl who loved being in the barns but still couldn't stand most of the sights & smells. Recently I took my boys to one of the milk parlors back home and was blown away at the efficiency, cleanliness, speed, knowledge, investment, and bulk of milk being produced. Unless my kids go to the Great New York State Fair (which they do every year) they wouldn't have a clue how is was once done. Computerized milking was really cool to see, and gives the ability to keep track of the cow's diet, production and any medications it may have had. Impressive.
So, why my side track on this subject? I suppose it is somewhat of an apology to my dear friends and family back home, and all over the country because I no longer support the daily intake of diary or most grains for most people. I don't want to offend the farmers I love so much, and I feel it is important for people to understand - I get farm life and what it means to everyone. Not just farm families but to all of us who depend on them for our own survival.
Yes, I gave up the foods I couldn't imagine my life without AND even better - I found something to substitute most of those things. Except cheese. I'm sorry - but there is NO real, good substitute for this wonderful delicacy. With that said, it isn't worth the problem it creates so, buh-bye cheese. We will hook up every now and again and you will remind me why I had to break it off.
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